It’s Even Better in Person

“It’s even better in person!”

How often have those words been spoken about art? Has there ever been a piece you adored when you saw it in a book, magazine, or movie? And finally one day you visited a museum and saw it in real life, you were rendered speechless, except for those five words: “It’s even better in person!” This statement holds true for almost all forms of art.

When I finished my recent work, “Portrait of Charlie,” I eagerly shared it with a few close friends and family members through text messages. One of the recipients was my sister-in-law (my husband was also on the thread), and her reply was as follows:

That is Gorgeous!!!

To which he responded:

It's even better in person
That’s when it struck me – these words will never be uttered about AI-generated art. There will never be an “in-person” experience with that digital medium. While you can have it printed, it won’t capture the essence of brush strokes or evoke the feeling of surprise due to its size. You won’t sense the emotion infused into its layers of medium. It simply cannot compare to encountering a genuine piece of art crafted by a human.

I take immense satisfaction in the knowledge that traditional art will always prevail in this realm.

See My Art In Person

Now, returning to the topic of my art being better in person – it’s undeniably true. While you might have come across my abstract octopus paintings online, scans and photos fail to do them justice. I invite you to witness them firsthand whenever you have the chance. Here are some upcoming opportunities:

– Schedule an in-person studio visit (or virtual)
– Come see me at C.A.N. on Sat, October 21st
– Come see me at Castro Art Mart on Sun, Nov 5th
– Go rogue and collect an original piece

A New Kind of Pet Portrait

Back to the “Portrait of Charlie,” I had an idea to create a watercolor pet portrait in my fun new style. I decided to experiment using my mom’s dog, Charlie, which was a double bonus as her birthday was approaching. She provided me with five photos to choose from, and I settled on this one:

Charlie photo
After discussing her color preferences, I embarked on the project. I began with two paintings, just in case, but one of them turned out so well that the other wasn’t necessary. The result is a watercolor base adorned with details in gouache and pastels. The colors are vivid and whimsical, and the final size is 18″ x 24″.

I am extremely pleased with the outcome and couldn’t wait to unveil it to my mom via FaceTime. She initially wanted to save it for her birthday, but I couldn’t hold out for another couple of weeks. So, we hopped on a call, and I presented her gift via video. Unfortunately, I didn’t record the moment, but I believe her initial reaction was to suck all the air out of the room with a huge astonished gasp, followed by an exclamation of “oh my god!” That might have been followed by a few tears.

I mailed it last week, and she opened the gift this morning, finally seeing it in person. Here’s what she had to say:

“Oh my god! It’s so beautiful, I love it! It’s perfect! I can’t wait to get it framed and hanging on my wall so I can see it everyday.”

Finally, I present to you, Charlie:

Charlie artwork
If you wish to experience these emotions or witness a loved one experience them, I currently have three slots available for holiday pet portraits. Act fast before they’re all taken!

How to Hang Your Art

Lastly, my friend and colleague, Wendy Trotter, created this amazing download full of juicy tips to help me entice people to subscribe to my newsletter. Since your’e all already subscribed, I thought I would share it here in case you find it helpful. Get the PDF here (on the home page).

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